This week I'm excited to introduce you to Mr Steve Birkett, otherwise known as Stevie B. Steve a member of Strange Folk since 2006 ish, is the bands drummer and he has been hitting things for many tides. Steve is the 'Master Slayer of Beats' and it has been said that he was once seen playing drums backwards whilst walking a tightrope. Can you imagine !! When Steve isn't playing drums, he likes nothing more than to drink a stein of ale and wear his Newcastle United top and Animal Muppet lounge trousers, whilst watching deer frolic from his living room window ! Sit back with an Earl grey/flapjack and read all about Strange Folks drummer -Drum roll please for the 'Metal Guru' S T E V E (said in an extended and drawn out boxing ref voice lasting for at least five hours) !!
I can hear Steve say 'I'm not ready for that yet.' (Something Mr B likes to say). Well guess what, we are !!
Question 1 - What was the first drum set you had ?
I have only ever owned three drum kits. My first was a jumbled mix of all sorts which would always collapse when I started to play it.
It was an old worn Olympic gold sparkle bass drum with a fixed hanging tom, a white unknown floor tom with a wood block attached, and a really old and battered brass snare drum plus a set of brushes. Although not ungrateful, it was hardly the sets I was used to admiring watching Top of the Pops etc and one I was ready to rock the world with and dreaming of doing World tours ... but it got me going..!!
My second was a blue Premier Crown kit I had from the age of 16 when leaving school and starting work. I had to pay the Hire Purchase payments, but my folks paid the deposit. I had that kit for 20 years.
The kit I have now is a Yamaha 8000 series I've had since 1992 I love how this kit sounds and it's perfectly suited to our band's music.
Question 2 - When did you learn to play the drums ?
From about the age of 14, my friend's sister had a small kit which was better than mine. I used to go to his house on Saturday mornings and we would take it in turns trying to play along to The Glitterband, Rubettes, and Bay City Rollers....!!!!
Question 3 - How did you learn to play the drums ?
I managed to hold a beat and get a groove going with my friend as in previous answer, but also my Mum was a resident organist at the local working mens club and had rehearsals in the week with her drummer. I used to get an hour or so to play along too Beatles tunes and other chart songs, while learning about fox trots, bossa nova's, waltzes etc and get tips, tricks and tuition from my Mum's drummer.
Question 4 - Is your family musical/who are their influences ?
Yep. As mentioned, my Mum played the organ, she really loved Elvis. She also worked in the local record shops and was interested in all pop music from 50's, 60's, 70's and early 80's, always learning the latest songs to play at the Clubs and her gigs.
Her sister, and my grandad on Mum's side played the piano/organ and my Nana played the banjo.
My Dad was a cornet player in the local brass band, but loved Johnny Cash and Country and Western music, he was also singer in a male voice choir.
My Grandads side of the family also played piano and my Grandma was a chorister too.
My late brother was also talented and could play any instrument he picked up within minutes, I was so envious.
He was a great guitarist and an amazing singer, performing lead roles in many of the regular musicals.
Question 5 - What are your influences ?
It's always been Rock music... Ever since I heard my first rhythmic rumblings from the cot...
Ambient and soft relaxing ballads and tunes. Mellow Heavy Metal ...!!!
Also, Uncle Derek, Mum's brother was a drummer with a band called the Sabres in the sixties and toured the Hamburg circuit about the same time as the Beatles were doing theirs. A photograph of my Uncle Derek sat behind his drum kit at my Nanas house. I always thought it was really cool even though I was very young.
Question 6 - What is the most favourite drum/drums/cymbal/cymbals that you own ?
My whole kit..!!
It has such a nice warm deep sound that suits our style of music perfectly.
Each cymbal I use has their own individual and distinctive sound that compliments the tone of the drums.
I have a small china splash cymbal that has a kind of 'fizz' sound that works very subtly in some of softer songs.
Recently I replaced a worn out Paiste crash cymbal that I thought was irreplaceable, but found an updated version that sounds even better.
Probably the most fun is my Sabian Chad Smith (Red Hot Chilli Peppers) edition 21" Holy China. ... Man it's so f***** loud...!!! (Am I allowed to say that?)
It always makes the other band members jump when I hit it, and is great for getting their attention when I need it... :)
Having said that, when you catch it in the right place and at the right velocity, it produces some amazing sounds that are great for experimenting with too.
Question 7 - What is your dream drum kit ?
The one I've got..!! But if someone wanted to treat me to another one I would definitely stick with a Yamaha.
Question 8 - You have a cheeky bag of percussion ! Tell me more !!
I assume you mean my vibra-slap..? A cross between an old fashioned football rattle and cymbal. It has a sound like marbles running down a corrugated washboard perfect for a cymbal type fill when we play acoustic gigs.
Also in my bag of tricks is a cahon, a selection of tambourines, some maracas, a triangle, a skull shaker, a broken cymbal which sounds good when hit with bare hands, and a Donald Duck castanet ..? .. nicked from my wife's childminding instrument box. ....It just sounds good alright !!
Question 9 - What is your drum style ?
Some people say I have a John Bonham feel to some of our rockier songs, and I've always had preference for rock and metal music, but having said that I have discovered a more controlled and softer side to my playing with the acoustic songs. So if you fuse them together you get a bit of "manic mellow, or relaxing rock"..!
Question 10 - What was your first band called ?
Snowmane. Taken from a horse in Lord of the Rings.
Question 11 - Have there been any gigs that stood out for good/bad reasons ?
Oh! Here we go..!! One moment I'm not particularly proud of...!!
My 37th Birthday. I went to see my favourite band Slayer at the Astoria in London, and to cut a long story short, I was a bit merry beforehand and got thrown out for abusing a security man who confiscated my drink at the exact moment Slayer started their first number. I sat and listened to the rest of the show on the steps of the loading bay outside.
One of the best experiences was our trip to Italy documented in the other section. Such a memorable gig in front of newly found friends and fans in a great location and wonderful venue.
Also, our first festival together at Galhampton Somerset with Hayseed Dixie will never be forgotten.
Question 12 - Do you have any writing tips ?
No. I think I'm lysdexic ..!!
No. I just hit things ...!!
Question 13 - What is your favourite single ?
An odd one, being as not many singles about anymore, but one of my old favourite's was a 12" version of A Love Like Blood by Killing Joke.
Question 14 - What is your favourite album ?
Seasons in the Abyss by Slayer.
Question 15 - What advice would you give beginners who are nervous about performing ?
All the P's...!! A pizza, a pint, and a pre gig poo..!!
Question 16 - How do you/band handle mistakes during a performance ?
Pretend it was a creative artistic moment then do it again 4 bars later ..!!
Question 17 - What is the first song/beat you learned ?
My Sharona ....NOT REALLY
It was probably Rock n Roll by the Glitterband.
Question 18 - What does your band name mean ?
What it says on the tin. Strange folk.
I like to think of it as Rock with a bit of folk in, and Folk with a little bit of rock in..!!
Question 19 - How did your band meet ?
I was a fan. I went to see many of their gigs and enjoyed them so much I joined the band.. :)
Question 20 - What does your band sound like ?
No other.
I think we have our own Strange mix of influences and tastes that when stirred up creates an atmospheric mood that excites many people.
Silly final question - If you were stuck in a department store over night and you had a record player and a record. What would the record be ?
It's not silly, it's Slayer. Seasons in the Abyss for me..

Thanks muchly Steve for your answers. It's been fun taking a trip back in time with you ! Check in next week for Strange Musings question time with Strange Folks singer Annalise - yours truly !! :)